Handcrafted for Adventure, Hooked on Tradition


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I've BEEFED up the Guttermaster 100

March 20, 2018

I've BEEFED up the Guttermaster 100

One thing about being a lure maker that sometimes drives me mad I'm never happy with the lures, but it's good for you guys I guess?  I can’t help myself! I have to keep working on them until I get them just how I want them and the Guttermaster 100 is no exception. This lure has been responsible for some bloody good catches since it was introduced but I had to give it a couple of “tweaks”.

On the shallow I've modified the bib shape and its had a massive improvement the tail kick is tighter and the body roll is still the same but they run a bit shallower which opens up the options.

I’ve only just done the deep but I’m confident that it will be a winner when the fish are sitting that bit deeper. I've changed the angle and the shape of the bib on the 10+ and it's had a huge effect on the dive angle and the action.  Its tightened the tail kick while maintaining the body roll.  It will start working within the first 250 mm at a VERY slow speed.
Both these lures were catching good fish but the feedback I'm getting now tells me they are exactly how I wanted them.


BUT here is the best bit!
From now on we're running 8527PS VMC 6X hooks and 4H rings as standard on the Guttermaster 100 both deep and shallow.  The deeps have a #1 on the front and #2 on the tail and the Shallows will run 2 x #1's.


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