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Rods for hard bodies

January 29, 2020

Rods for hard bodies

Rods for hard body lure fishing for Barramundi by "Mutta"

There are so many types and brands of fishing rods around these days at so many different prices that it can be very confusing which rod to which to choose to get the best performance and best value for everybody's hard earned money.
Typically there are 2 types of fishing rods to use with hard body lures that keen fishes should keep in mind when choosing a new weapon. Let's call them to keep it simple, the crankbait and jerkbait rod. Fisho's are an inventive and versatile mob and often a handy man can get away with one fishing rod that can do both with a bit of skill and touch.
Crankbait rods are typically your straight retrieve combined with a few pauses and twitches. Softer tips to get the most out of the action of the lure when retrieved and help the hookup and landing of barra by cushioning the bite lunges and jumps while still having enough power in the rod to turn the fish if anchors are called for. Typically they are around 6ft to 7ft in length to enable a long cast, parabolic bend until a load up section down in the back third of the rod. A moderate or a moderate-fast action/taper is how the manufacturers market them and usually have some sort of composite material usually glass mixed with the graphite to create the right action.

Photo above: ACM Custom Rods - 6’6” and 6’8”

I use them when long casts are more important than "tea cup" accuracy. Sunken snags, ledges; rock bars and flats...10+ and 6ft Mutt 130 and Guttermaster 100 are a good example of lures I throw on these rods.
The jerkbait rod is my favourite and most often used in my Barra fishing .. shallow and deep they catch and keep catching Barras.
Slightly shorter butts and shorter lengths. Also a different action that imparts the right action when jerked...too slow an action, you loose the feel when a fish hits you on a pause and you lose feel on how the lure is working. Casting accuracy can be an issue in wind with a soft tip as well.
Too fast a action and you will pull hooks and jump off fish all day long.
A 5/6 to 6/6 moderate-fast action rod is normally a safe choice.

Photo above: ACM Custom Rods - a similar rod built at 5’6”

A little trick is to realise that the longer the rod the more power it possesses. For example if you love the tight stuff right up the creeks and in the jungle on the flats on the high tide, a short 5/6 rod is hard to beat for accuracy and functionality. Normally a 4 or even a 5 power(10 - 20lb) rod is the most popular, but as you go up in rod length one can go down a size in power and still remain just as powerful.
This means you have a lighter rod with more feel and crispness to tap or jerk those jerkbait. A jerkbait is normally a bit skinnier than a crankbait or has a skinnier bib that allows an angle to stab and jerk the lure in such a way that it is easy (not a lot of bib resistance) the fish thinks it's injured and this triggers a strike.
Eyecons both deep and shallow are a very good example of typical jerkbaits with the little Guttermaster 80 and the new Guttermaster 100 JB (jerkbait)* also make a great jerkbait. Typically a faster action tip, but lighter power to create a parabolic bend to help keep those hooks in. A 10-17lb moderate/fast action rod around 6 to 6-8ft usually does the job. 
A good tackle shop will show you options or you can call on a custom rod builder like Aaron from A.C.M Custom Rods who will fast track your requirements into a true weapon..
A 6.3 to 1 ratio reels for jerkbaits and 5.8 to 1 for crankbaiting is what I prefer.. hope this helps?

* The Guttermaster 100 JB is a "custom" built lure - if you would like to order these please send us an email. dave@olddoglures.com They are not on the website.


Crankbait - Any fish that normally eats smaller fish can be targeted with crankbaits. A lure with a bib that causes a bait to dive underwater can be classified as a crankbait. The depth ranges vary from just below the surface down to 20 feet or even deeper.

Jerkbait -  A jerkbait is a longish lure made to represent an injured bait fish, and has no real action of its own. In jerkbait fishing the action is created by the angler. This is done by jerking your rod as you reel the lure in.

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