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Dogs for Cods

November 20, 2018

Dogs for Cods

Prepare Your Dogs for Cods

Cod opening is upon us and the deep diving Dogs need your attention. 
Firstly, lets address the elephant in the room, yes I'm a Barramundi fisho, so what would I know about Murray cod you ask? 
Well, unbeknown to you all I have fished for cod in the murky, chilled waters of Lake Mulwala as a kid and an adult.   Actually, I also competed in the 2014 Cod Nationals, walking away with a Top 10 finish.  Not bad for a dirty old Queensland Barra tragic. So although I'm not an expert, but I was once told its important to know a little about a lot, so I may be able to teach a few of you old dogs some new tricks.
As a general rule cod equipment, particularly rods and reels, are a carbon copy of what is used to pursue the Ozzie cods native relative, the barramundi.  In fact, I fished the Nationals with all of my barra bait-casting combos.
The best all-round combo for cod without getting to technical, because we want to ‘keep it simple stupid', so all you'll need is a solid bait caster or spin reel, spooled with 30lb braid, mounted on a 7ft graphite rod.  Much like barra impoundment fishing, the length of cast is essential and a 7ft rod will give you that advantage. 
If you feel more comfortable fishing a shorter rod, fill your boots.  After all that is the best thing about fishing, everyone does things differently and we all learn.. But in my experience the 7ft’er would be the best all-rounder.
There are many methods/techniques available to cod enthusiasts.  But to avoid trying to appear an expert, I am going to limit them to the ones I used and was successful with.  The key to all of these methods is to be there at the right times and this, particularly in an impoundment is driven by water temp.  Water temp dictates the movement of bait, find the bait, saddle up your cods.
  • Casting Shallow Snag Lined Banks –My partner during the Nationals was a shallow snag bashing guru and 12 months earlier took out Champion Angler at the Nationals targeting smaller fish using this method.  The method is fairly self explanatory, keep it slow bumping the lure over timber with a bit of a twitch and pause retrieve.  Slow is the go!

Lures -This is where the pups of the Old Dog litter come into their own.  Fetch the lead and harness up a Guttermaster 80 Deep 10+ or the Guttermaster 100 Deep 10+ or the Jew Dog 150mm which has a big lazy action and casts like a bullet.  There puppies are going to be the best dogs to take for a walk through rugged, timber and due to their design rarely snag. 
  • Trolling Deep Timber –I don't think there is a cod angler around who hasn't trolled deep divers for ‘supersized’ cod. The whole cod industry in the early days where built on the back of this method. Probably the easiest method, productive and most relaxing! 
Lures -  For this type of fishing for cod, deeper and larger the better.  In this case its time to take the muzzle off and unleash the 135mm Mutt Deep.  Keep it slow and adjust The Mutts leash to achieve the right depth. 
  • Casting Spinner baits in Deep Timber –If you want the thrill of a ‘BIG' cod on the cast, aside from surface this is your method. Very easy method, cast and slowly retrieve.  Spinner baits are relatively snag-less which makes it very popular and a productive method of catching cod.
Chasing cod is a longtime, favourite Australian angling pastime and with the evolution of anglers knowledge, all sorts of exciting new techniques have come to the fore, which has made catching this humble Australian native more attractive than ever.
So pull your Old Dogs out of their kennels, sharpen there nails and give them a groom, because November 30 is just days away and the humble Aussie icon the Murray Cod await them.


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